This time I switched to standard comic paper I cut in half. 11x17 Bristol board. It was a lot easier to work with generally speaking than the card stock. It's much smoother and works better with finer details.
Here's the pencils. Although I did ink some borders in ink.
My inner critic pretty much hates everything I do but I've been doing a pretty good job of shutting him up and just putting my butt in the seat and drawing.
I didn't scan my little outliney inks as it was pretty sparse and frankly I forgot. So the final is the inks. But here it is again but smaller just 'cause.
Now I tried out some more ink wash action, but I forgot which bottles were lightest, medium and dark gray. Needless to say that screwed up my plans. I tried to fix it as best I could with okay success.
I do like that the roof is darker and separated from the well lit below. I eyeballed perspective so I'm sure it's all wrong, but screw it. It is what it is.
Anyhoo. Still plugging away.
I hope anyone reading keeps plugging away at the hobbies/arts they love. That's all we can really do.