The process was pretty similar. Wrote up a script that wasn't terrible detailed at first, semi-move scriptish. Then penciled in blue and a little red as needed. Then went back with darker pencil. Something like a HB or 2B.
Then I ran into a problem. Basically I couldn't see my pencils with my lightbox and got frustrated so I just threw out what I was doing and inked on the pencil page and erased later. The colerase blue/red didn't erase very well which is why you can see bits of blue and red here and there. I just realized I think the ambient light was too high (dusk with windows wide open). It probably would have worked just fine if I'd gone to my drafting table and closed the curtains. Ah well. Maybe next time. Anyhoo...
Panel borders in micron 08, then lettered in micron 05 (I think, could be 03). Then did balloons in micron 08 pen. Stayed with micron 08 for lots of the outlining of foreground figures. Then I actually bounced around a lot. I'm still figuring out my tools. I tend to like the big microns 08, 05 for almost everything. Dipped much lower for some of the line work. But 005, 01, 02 feel almost interchangeable at my skill level.
So I butchered it some with my pens and then did some brushwork w/ink. Parts I liked, others I feel I butchered even worse. But this is part of learning.
I hadn't gotten around to getting proper pro-white paint and so I white-outed again which was like trying to paint with my arm cut off. I already have crappy brush control, but that thing is a nightmare.
Anyhoo. I hope you the comic and/or my painful learning process.
Check ya later.